HPE - You Kant always have what you want.
Punatang - The Rolling Stones are credited with at least one song that purportedly: "addresses themes of deception and dishonesty, which can be interpreted as a commentary on the broader context of lies ...
Y'all might be on to something here - from Kant, the philosophy of Autonomy, Truth and Peace:
"One of the reasons why Kant is so interesting from a disinformation perspective, is he examined the moral prohibitions against intentional falsehoods: lies. Kant famously argued that all lies are harmful because they undermine the dignity of others. Lies prevent people acting freely and rationally. When someone lies, he interferes with his audience’s right to receive information that is correct. Also, lies distort the ability to make informed decisions. Kant goes further and argues that lies cause broader harm by undermining a speaker’s credibility, which, in turn, causes people to distrust each other’s contentions."
Maybe Mick (seven O-levels) and the boys were deep readers, maybe they had a better basic education in the UK, or maybe, because of their apparent immortality, they hashed this over with Kant back in the day.
Punatang ...lies, including those perpetuated by authority figures or the government... only kooks think that stuff happens here. In Puna I mean.
Of course the government lies (Ollie North's side-hussle of illegal arm sales to Iran to fund the right-wing Contras who kidnapped, tortured, raped, and executed civilians in Nicaragua during Ronnie's MAGA 1.0 administration comes to mind), but that doesn't make everything they say false. You actually need evidence and some understanding of the topic, often gained through formal education from teachers with expertise, to distinguish truth from fiction. Thinking you always know better than teachers and experts is a sure sign of not knowing how much you don't know.
HiloJulie - Makes sense when you think about it.
Does it though? Does any of the BLS assertions and the reaction to having them questioned make sense, really? Just waiting for the crypto part of the libertarian/ancap rant - paycheck no come? Get you some da kine coin! What's da kine coin? Whateva you want! DM your bank deets, choke kala!
Perhaps we could just pay the local teachers enough so they're not having to live paycheck to paycheck? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Punatang - The Rolling Stones are credited with at least one song that purportedly: "addresses themes of deception and dishonesty, which can be interpreted as a commentary on the broader context of lies ...
Y'all might be on to something here - from Kant, the philosophy of Autonomy, Truth and Peace:
"One of the reasons why Kant is so interesting from a disinformation perspective, is he examined the moral prohibitions against intentional falsehoods: lies. Kant famously argued that all lies are harmful because they undermine the dignity of others. Lies prevent people acting freely and rationally. When someone lies, he interferes with his audience’s right to receive information that is correct. Also, lies distort the ability to make informed decisions. Kant goes further and argues that lies cause broader harm by undermining a speaker’s credibility, which, in turn, causes people to distrust each other’s contentions."
Maybe Mick (seven O-levels) and the boys were deep readers, maybe they had a better basic education in the UK, or maybe, because of their apparent immortality, they hashed this over with Kant back in the day.
Punatang ...lies, including those perpetuated by authority figures or the government... only kooks think that stuff happens here. In Puna I mean.
Of course the government lies (Ollie North's side-hussle of illegal arm sales to Iran to fund the right-wing Contras who kidnapped, tortured, raped, and executed civilians in Nicaragua during Ronnie's MAGA 1.0 administration comes to mind), but that doesn't make everything they say false. You actually need evidence and some understanding of the topic, often gained through formal education from teachers with expertise, to distinguish truth from fiction. Thinking you always know better than teachers and experts is a sure sign of not knowing how much you don't know.
HiloJulie - Makes sense when you think about it.
Does it though? Does any of the BLS assertions and the reaction to having them questioned make sense, really? Just waiting for the crypto part of the libertarian/ancap rant - paycheck no come? Get you some da kine coin! What's da kine coin? Whateva you want! DM your bank deets, choke kala!
Perhaps we could just pay the local teachers enough so they're not having to live paycheck to paycheck? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯