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Hawaii’s DOE - First No Buses, now No Payroll!!
MyManao - Teachers should be able to demand civility, unilaterally.

Obviously can't speak to your past experiences, but DOE schools' disciplinary standards are outlined in Chapter 19 (PDF) which includes possible consequences for "making unreasonable noise as to cause disruption of normal school activities" and "making any offensively coarse utterance, gesture, or display, or addressing abusive language to any person present", engaging in fighting, etc that would seem to fall under an expectation of civility.

Disciplinary actions could include anything from student and parent conferences, loss of privileges, detention, crisis suspension (immediate), to transfer and dismissal from the school. In short, the expectations and consequences are all set forth - need to be applied by teachers reporting the incidents and administration applying the disciplinary actions.

My question was, given that leilanidude was simultaneously complaining about some his kids' teachers being bad and that teachers don't have enough authority other than to "send the kids to the office", what level of unilateral disciplinary discretion for teachers (even bad ones) he would want?

Would he be comfortable with teachers expelling students from a class without any other oversight or attempts at gathering more information? A neutral third party investigator is part of Chapter 19 to get more info from teachers, students, witnesses, etc about an incident when determining what happened and admin sorting out what the consequences might be - likely helps to avoid bias and selective recall of the details when conflicts occur.

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RE: Hawaii’s DOE - First No Buses, now No Payroll!! - by ironyak - 09-20-2024, 06:11 PM

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