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Fireworks explosion kills three women on Oahu
"Julie what would you do?"

Well, first I think how the "message" is received will depend greatly on how many of the dead/injured were just innocent spectators versus the actual "hosts" of this fireworks show, not that it really matters to those killed/injured, but as to who and how what I would do is received. 

Now, I must caution, what I am about to say, may make some queasy, but this is "what Julie would do:"

I am a huge proponent of the "scared straight" method of human behavior change. 

So, in that light, I would PLASTER - and when I say PLASTER - it would be a non-relenting, nonstop bombardment of no matter where you turn, you would not escape seeing the pictures of brain matter on the sidewalk. The burn victims and their raw injuries. Pictures of the limbs blown off. Pictures of the dead bodies. Videos of the injured screaming in sheer agony. I would bombard the newspapers, social media and television with that message. Continually. 24/7. Additionally, I would sign an executive order allowing billboards to be erected all over the state only to post these graphic images. Especially the graphic pictures of the injured 3-and 5-year-old children.

Now, some may call that "sick" or "depraved" or what have you, but the message being, "you want to play this game, this is your outcome."

Also, when you consider the sheer disaster THAT could have happened - as ChunksterK pointed out - the potential of a "Lahaina scale episode" was there. We COULD have had dozens more killed which fortunately did not happen.

I remember as a child and young teenager, almost everyone smoked cigarettes. One of the most shocking television commercials ever made back then - in the 1970's was an elderly woman who, even with her body being riddled with cancer from smoking, continued to smoke, through the hole that was surgically cut into her throat for her to breathe.

Virtually every person I knew who smoked back then - all quit. After seeing that commercial several times.

So, that's what Julie would do.
“The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy, the empathy exploit, they’re exploiting a bug in Western civilization, which is the empathy response. Empathy has been “weaponized.”"
-DOGE Leader

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RE: Fireworks explosion kills three women on Oahu - by HiloJulie - 01-05-2025, 07:40 PM

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