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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
In Hawaiian Acres, the "road-shaped lot" is jointly owned by all landowners in the subdivision. A fractional interest is included on the deed: 1/3944th. (This is technically wrong given that there are actually 4006 lots.) No mandatory road dues. There are other subdivisions with this arrangement.

In other subdivisions (example: Nanavale) the "road-shaped lot" is owned by an association, membership in which is required by a CC&R on the deed. Association dues pay for road maintenance. Ainaloa is similar, last I heard they had made substantial progress paving all their roads.

Rumor has it Seaview managed to get County to take over their roads.

In any case, these arrangements seem to work just fine everywhere except HPP, and that time Orchidland got their association hijacked.

Maybe the problem isn't the specific legal structure.

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by kalakoa - 01-10-2025, 05:28 PM

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