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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
I am working on something for Julie...

But where are you reading, "No more than 5% will be used for other causes?" That is not what is stated, nor what HPPOA agreed to as per the court. What is stated is, "The amount of COMPENSATION shall be determined annually by the board and shall not exceed 5% of road maintenance funds collected in any given year."

If you look in the comments, you will see where I stated the budget (as per HPPOA) and exactly what is paid for using road fee money. There is absolutely nothing to COMPENSATE HPPOA for. Except, perhaps the rental of the clubhouse for meetings (which is fair, but comes no where close to $170,000/year).

I really do not understand the logic that because the amount taken is not considered large, that it should just be ignored. Wrong is wrong.

In addition, the lawsuit is not just about the use of restricted funds. The lawsuit also addresses the use of deed restricted properties and the adoption of law that does not apply. I have posted the lawsuit on my web page, so if you are interested, please feel free to read.

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by Patricia - 01-13-2025, 06:42 PM

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