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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
Oh geez... Really? Some of you really need to grow up.

Obie, how would Mainlanders or even some non- Hawaii (island) residents have ANY reference at all about where, location-wise, you are speaking? Let alone have any time reference.

How HPPOA came about and what their focus (clubhouse, golf course, Mainland retiree interests, and MORE non-local concerns) was relevant then (1980) and still is now. It is a mindset that has prevailed for decades. Though the clubhouse and golf course have been replaced with other "so much more" wants.

As for paving the HPPOA parking lot. I will have to research how that was paid for. Still, the office and staff must utilize that area. And as the office and staff predominantly exist to conduct road maintenance activities, I would say that paving the area for the office and staff, who also are paid for with road fee money makes sense (just as County employees, who work in County buildings and are paid with County money, park in parking lots that are paved and also paid for with County money.).

I just finished a "movie day" with my mother. I make her a nice lunch. We eat and imbibe, she picks a fun, usually nonsensical movie for us to watch. I am fortunate. And I realize this. Unlike so many, I STILL have a parent with whom I can visit, share time, and enjoy.

Puna? HPP? HPPOA? Yes, they matter. And I very much feel people have the right to information and  history (which also VERY MUCH matters). This is why, on top of everything else, I will try my best to make sure that information and history are not limited to a select few. Because that has been the problem all along- the select few trying to bury or discount history and information and run "the show" the way THEY want it to be. 

Apparently "diversity" is fine, as long as those "differences" do not interfere with the "so much more" mindset.

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by Patricia - 01-16-2025, 02:53 AM

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