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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
(01-16-2025, 06:54 PM)MyManao Wrote: I think you both are missing the most obvious point from your long winded discussions.. you both are EXACTLY alike.

Seriously, I'd say you're twins. Obviously I know neither of you, and you could walk by me without me knowing etc.. but by your prose, by your attitudes, by your writing styles.. you are twins. So, maybe you both need to spend some quality time in front of that mirror?

And please, don't think of this as a dissing of anyone.. I just see so many blinders between the two of you that it warrants a whisper.. I mean your doing it in public.. you both need to consider..

First, I would like to say Thank You for FINALLY making some form of a retort that is not full of sexually deviant disgusting terms, name calling and all of the like.

Now, to your point, how does Patricia making hundreds of posts saying something, be it anything, on any topic, compare to me, or anyone else for that matter, asking questions about those comments, very rarely getting any form of intelligible answer and when “called out” to give an answer to these questions, get nothing but “stop bullying me, stop insulting me” and all the comparable other things said, compare to anything I, or anyone else for that matter, have said?

Where is your comment inferring that Patricia and “The Dude,” HOTPE, Obie, hell even Moderator 2, asking questions and getting pages of blather or the sounds of crickets in return being Patricia’s “twins?”

Having said that, to me, this case is nothing but “revenge” of people who for whatever reason, get their jollies off in doing so. It really does not have anything to do with mailboxes, deed restrictions etc., nope, it’s just about “revenge” for past perceived injustices. And adding the ADA lawsuit on top of all of this, further reinforces my personal opinion.

Further, the whole premise of this suit, is to “try it in the court of public opinion.” And while HPPOA’s attorneys did an absolute pitiful job of trying to get a Protective Order instituted, the premise of the need for a protective order is loud and clear.

And now, we see the influx of a whole bunch of “new” posters coming in, and, well, continuing to try this case “in the court of public opinion.” I would not be surprised to eventually find out that not only have the HPPOA AND Watumull attorneys read all of these social media postings, but actually do something with them in furtherance of their defenses of this case. 

If this case was brought by a plaintiff with a reputable good competent lawyer representing them, the first thing that lawyer would require his client to do is STAY OFF THE INTERNET. Further, a reputable good competent lawyer would tell his/her client to “SHUT THE %$*& UP. 

But then, if that was true, we would not have had all this fun and excitement on PunaWeb for the last few months with what now 6 plus threads and hundreds of posts.

Go figure!

At any event, again I thank you for your comment without your proven consistent need to display your sexual depravity but saying that Patricia and I are like “twins” is like saying all Hawaiians LOVE tourists!
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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by HiloJulie - 01-16-2025, 07:39 PM

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