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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
"Speeding and accidents"

OK then. So, some HPP residents (and to be fair, some nonresidents) desire to speed down HPP's main roads, and then some cause accidents.

So, if the Board's answer is speed bumps every 1/4 mile, at a cost I cannot fathom, but would venture to say would be in excess of a million dollars, plus taking years to construct, how about turning this issue over to and make this issue a "law and order" matter?

If approved, the cost to install speed bumps every 1/4 mile on every main HPP road would have to increase the annual road fees every HPP resident must pay, or there would have to be a "special assessment" levied against each HPP resident to install all these speed bumps.

So, how about making this a law enforcement issue, where the real guilty ones end up paying a $100, $200, maybe even a $300 fine for each speeding violation instead of spreading the cost of the installation of speed bumps caused by the handful of incompetent drivers over the whole of each HPP resident?

Further, I would think that the HPPOA and its Board installing speed bumps could add to the possibility of the association and its Board being dragged into some type of lawsuit should a speeder cause an accident causing death or significant harm of others, with the premise of the lawsuit being HPP and its Board "did not do enough" to ensure the safety of others when they knew there was a speeding problem.
"Make Orwell Fiction Again"

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by HiloJulie - 5 hours ago

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