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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
"Ainaloa is a residential subdivision and the road you are asking about is 25mph...."


And the road I am referring to is Ainaloa Drive (I mistakenly called it Ainaloa Blvd). So, that may have caused some confusion too. Ainaloa Blvd. does not have speed bumps and if I remember it's speed limit is 35MPH , just like HPP's main roads...

Anyway, HPP is a residential subdivision, albeit not an HOA like Ainaloa, and HPP has roads that are posted at various speed limits (some are 15MPH). But the main roads, in and out, are posted at 35MPH.

I know that Ainaloa Drive has quite a few speed bumps. I understand the speed limit on that road is not 35MPH. Ainaloa Rd. is also not a main road in and out of that subdivision. BUT as it does have numerous speed bumps, I was wondering how effective those are and if they might cause problems (due to weather conditions, time of day, etc.) that might cause issues for first responders.

Placing 4 speed bumps/mile on the main roads in and out of HPP, while slowing down traffic, may cause delays in emergencies. And while some may find my concerns ridiculous and unwarranted, I KNOW what it is like to have someone you care about being rushed to the emergency room- every SECOND feels like forever. So yeah, I feel like ANY "delay" might want to be investigated.

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by Patricia - 3 hours ago

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