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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
Something just occurred to me when seeing a question poised in another thread.

Isn't the premise of this lawsuit against HPPOA and the misuse of road funds and violations of deed restrictions for mailbox parks more or less claiming that HPPOA is just strictly a "road maintenance" organization, and all other things other than "road maintenance" fall under what would be considered a "voluntary" type of subdivision management, or in some way resembling an HOA in that regard, which, as such, does not exist?

So then, where does speed humps/bumps fall under the claimed definition of HPPOA being a "road maintenance" only organization if their stated goal is to "slow down" speeders which has nothing to do with "road maintenance" but having to do with regulating what goes on inside a subdivision or in other words, function as a "HOA?"
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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by HiloJulie - 2 hours ago

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