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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
'Road maintenance consists of many functions, graveling the roads, dust mitigation, mowing easements, asphalt repair, paving, striping, signage. If its on the road, or on the road-side, ITS ROAD."


But where does "speed humps/bumps" fall in under that definition? It's not an existing part of the road; it has to be installed. And its only installed for a particular reason. To control (slow down) speeders.

So, I ask again, what does the controlling of speeders have to do with "road maintenance?"

But then, having said all that, what is in the BEST common interest of each HPP resident?
"Make Orwell Fiction Again"

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by HiloJulie - 3 hours ago

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