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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
"I don’t know what you’re saying..."

HereOnThePrimalEdge, voluntary clubs can own property (think golf club). If you wish to be a member of this club, you are allowed to use the course, the buildings, etc., for a membership fee. This is what HPPOA is supposed to be doing- charging owners who wish to be members a voluntary membership fee. Unfortunately, they have forgotten to do this (charge a voluntary membership fee to fund their non-road interests) for almost two decades.

The twenty acre parcels, which HPPOA owns, are "private" in that they are part of the club's holdings. If HPP Owners wish to be members, then I suppose it could entitle them to use these parcels. However, HPPOA still controls them. Hence, no trespassing signs. 

BTW there is no such thing as "mail parks." You can Google it. The only reference you will find has to do with HPPOA. The true definition of what are installed on HPPOA's parcels is:
"A group of CBUs (Cluster Box Units) are simply called "cluster mailboxes";"

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by Patricia - 01-18-2025, 02:56 AM

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