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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
"However, there are some trying, as has been the case for the three decades plus we have lived in the Acres, to get it mandatory."

Thank you, Hilo Julie. I know that Matt was trying to get something together that would make associations required. There was also a State bill at one time recently (the one having to do with an Oversight committee) that would have required that every substandard subdivision have a road maintenance association, and if they did not the County would intervene. Unfortunately, unless Joy reintroduces that bill (they had a working committee, but they actually let it expire) it is pretty much dead in that water. Perhaps the law-makets will put together another bill. A bill that actually addresses ROAD MAINTENANCE and not "so much more."

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by Patricia - 10 hours ago

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