4 hours ago
(7 hours ago)Sam Son Wrote: . Sure, I'm all for peace, love, and understanding, but hippies with I-Phones are really starting to annoy me..
Yeah, Sam, it's always easy for the most recent to think they're the latest and greatest.. Americans, unfortunately, are often very selfish people.. and I imagine every new comer thinks the door for more should be slammed shut.. for god knows with each new there's always gonna be change so why let anymore in?
I am particularly taken with our latest crop.. omg are they full of themselves, eh? They don't even have the patience to get to know their new home.. for them it's all a matter of demanding the new suit their particular bent rather than falling in with the local ways of doing.. Just look here, on PW, it's amazing the change that's come over the place in the last year or so. These people don't give one iota for local culture.. and they demand they be the center of the universe.. as if god created the whole thing just for them.
As to your observations.. I quit Kehena more than your forty years ago. Man, they were using the sand as their own personal lua back then. Seriously.. this place was overrun by hippies long before.. Sheesh there was a tent city on the beach in Waipio in the early '70s.. lua be damned.
But Sam, your recollection is a bit off.. forty years ago the wiwi (is that the correct way of writing what we call the red guava?) had invaded that stretch of forest between Black Sands and points west long before.. and I had frequented Pohoiki, Second Bay was my sweet spot, long before Kalapana was taken out, because of the crowds there on the weekend. Gee my daughters, in their fifties now, as teenagers spent every weekend partying at Harry K Brown in those days.. the yellow ginger had HAVO by the short and curlies long before.. grasses have been choking out.. omg I could go on..
And still, yes it was more idyllic, and the population was far less, only a quarter of what we have on island now, but the issues were the same.. and, unfortunately, no matter it's chaotic and the old ways are not coming back. Although I am a strong proponent of secession and letting the white folks's madness go back to Turtle Island and find some other place to trash.. it ain't gonna happen in the short term..
In the long term.. at least there's hope.