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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
Just to be clear, as some who do not live here may not understand or be aware, many of the roads that run through Puna subdivisions are private. They are not maintained by either the state or county and owners, residing in those subdivisions, are responsible for the upkeep and improvement if those private roads.

Also, just as many of the subdivisions in Puna Hawaii are substandard, so are their roads. So, if you are a very particular person who does not like road dust covering your car, does not like getting little chips in your car paint or the occasional crack to your windshield, then this is something to consider. In addition, if you are a person that does not like road base dust on your house, in your yard, etc., then again, something to consider.

Many of us live with the above and deal with it because we enjoy Hawaii. BUT the powers that be, who are supposed to be addressing the above issues, should be focusing SOLELY on the above issues with the money they collect that is supposed to be restricted and used SOLELY for the above issues.

Are there "natural" factors in Hawaii that create a lot of wear and tear on the roads? Of course. This is even MORE reason why money that is collected for our roads should not be spent anywhere else.

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by Patricia - 01-23-2025, 08:24 PM

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