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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs

So, Kalakoa  Leilanidude, and HOTPE, my family and I have lived rural (real rural) most of our lives. The kind of rural where your closest neighbor is more than a mile down the road. The kind of rural where there are no paved roads for miles, and there is open space farther then your eyes can see.

The unpaved roads here pose challenges because there is a large population, living close together, who utilize them- constantly. In addition, road base is not really intended to be used as a long-term road cover- there are reasons for this (and yes, you can look them up).

And you are all exactly right, co-owners of road easements does not a planned community make. HPP is comprised of subdivided land that would be landlocked, except for the road easements. ALL of the roads in HPP are right of way easements which enable HPP owners to get to and from their property. HPP is not a planned Community.and the HPPOA clubhouse is not a community center.

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by Patricia - 01-24-2025, 09:07 PM

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