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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
TomK, you concern is touching. Or are you just trying to as some say, "stir the pot?"

The only "danger" I pose (and some on the HPPOA board and their development happy supporters know it) is that MORE people are going to know the truth and understand that most substandard subdivisions in Puna, Hawaii (HPPOA being one of them) are not HOAs or even mandatory community associations. Most are just "corporations" that for some god-awful reason were allowed to "compel" owners to pay them money that is supposed to be restricted and used for roads (roads only).

The other "danger" is that MORE might start wondering WHY a board and their supporters felt that it was okay to just ignore deed restrictions (not the same as zoning) and think it was fine to challenge a HUGE multi-million dollar corporation after the fact.

Or how about this "danger," the fact that this board and their supporters have managed, because of their actions, to get the HPPOA corporation sued. Sued for; breach of fiduciary duty, adopting law that is erroneous, violating bylaw, and violating deed restrictions (which HPP owners, as per the written deeds, have a right to defend).

As I told MyManao, the truth is only dangerous if you have something to hide

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by Patricia - 01-25-2025, 06:10 PM

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