01-26-2025, 07:06 PM
Only really sexually deviant minds
No, Julie. Try wikipedia. Do you believe that Wikipedia is "sexually deviant"? I grew up having sleepovers in homes deeply steeped in Yiddish culture. I know what the title you chose means to the folks who invented and use that word. If you want to admit that you do not, then that plus an apology to MyManao excuses some of your apparently unintended vulgarity.
No, Julie. Try wikipedia. Do you believe that Wikipedia is "sexually deviant"? I grew up having sleepovers in homes deeply steeped in Yiddish culture. I know what the title you chose means to the folks who invented and use that word. If you want to admit that you do not, then that plus an apology to MyManao excuses some of your apparently unintended vulgarity.
I wish you all the best.