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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
"What is "nefarious" is some of you twisting everything I say as though it carries some "dark meaning" that it does not."

Just the fact that you mentioned it in the way you did makes it an attempt at making this convenience charge some form of wrongdoing.

I am quite sure the average HPP resident knows how to read their road fee invoice, can see the option to pay by credit card, the amount being charged as the convenience fee without ANY help from anybody else.

Further, the fee being charged is acceptable, a "standard" being done by thousands of merchants on this island.

I see no point in highlighting this matter for any reason, other than to make it a "spin" to make it sound somewhat questionable charge.

But then again, I would think that if someone wanted to really do something good for HPPOA they would promote the use of a credit card to pay these fees, as if paid by check or cash, a human in the office has to reconcile a bank deposit, endorse checks and handle what could be a huge sum of cash. 

And then take it to the bank.

Now, if there was a place for a "nefarious" activity to take place, it would be with the handling of cash and checks and not a merchant credit card processing system that virtually eliminates the possibility of their being nefarious issues. 

And then, if HPP could get more and more residents to pay by credit card, the fee may be able to be lowered.

I can also assume a good number of HPP residents may have credit cards with zero or very low interest rates and may use their credit card to spread the cost over some months and the convenience fee makes that well worth it. I can also see some using their credit card to pay this fee to earn miles for their frequent flyer of choice program. And others may have "cash back" awards.

"And oh yeah, to reiterate to any of you that missed it, the road fees  HPPOA charges are not due until the LAST DAY "OF MARCH"

I again am quite sure the average HPP resident can read their invoice and know when their bill is due and payable., I would also assume that any person with good cash management skills would pay their bill as close to or even on the day its due. There were years that I was entitled to a large tax refund. I filed my tax returns by the end of January. Conversely, there were years where I owed a substantial amount of taxes. I filed those on the last possible day on or before April 15. I also pay each and every household bill the same way. Either on its specific due date or the Friday before if the due date is on a Saturday or Sunday.

Additionally, the collection of road fees in the form of "cash" be it actual cash, check, credit card payment or what have you, is really irrelevant to the day-to-day cash disbursements HPPOA makes, nor is what "fiscal year" it is since HPPOA operates on an "accrual basis" for its accounting needs.

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by HiloJulie - 4 hours ago

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