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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
I am quite sure the average HPP resident knows...

Oh my HiloJulie, you do go on, and on, and...

You might be surprised at just how much the "average" person is not aware of. And surprise! Even the most clever miss details. It happens. It's why so many (even the clever) push on a door, instead of pulling on it, even though there is a HUGE sign saying pull (obviously graduates of Midvale's School for the Gifted).

That said, people can NEVER be given enough information which may be of use and benefit to them.

Lastly, I do not see anywhere on the bill where it states that the money being collected is for the NEXT fiscal year. I do not see anything in the president's letter that mentions that either. So, probably something HPP Owners should know. Because I would imagine that most "average," and even the most clever of HPP Owners are not aware that HPPOA's fiscal year runs from July to July and not January to January.

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by Patricia - 4 hours ago

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