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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
I even suggested you leave off the “make HPPOA wait” comment so it would be more credible. You refused.

Do you hate them as much as you hate the president and vice president?

First line doesn't sound like a "suggestion." More like an order to which I "refused."

Second line is as wrong as Obie's statement. I do not "hate" anyone. Hate is a strong emotion. So, while I may have strong emotions about people lying by ommission, breaking deed restrictions, and putting together illegal bylaw committees (among other "misguided" acts) I do not hate the people who are carrying out those acts.

Though I know you will attempt to twist my continued objections to what some on this board are doing as some kind of weird, personal vendetta.

Did you think it was personal with LK? Helgren? Crelly? The old GM? It was not for me. But maybe that is how you roll.

As for the HPPOA staff? I have every confidence they will be able to handle road fee payments, even IF they come in on the last day of March. Not everyone pays with cash or check. Hence, HPPOA charging a $13.05 convenience fee.

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by Patricia - 2 hours ago

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