04-06-2007, 06:03 PM
Baby goats are sooo cute! So far my friends have two baby does, but they are from their best milker, so I think they will be keeping the pair. However, they have three others who are due to kid soon and they can't keep them all.
Their herd is all pure bred Nubian goats which they milk. They said a young male goat if you were willing to bottle feed it would sell for around $50. The girl goats go for $200, particularly since these are a milking breed.
If you are looking for a lawn mower, sheep or geese might be an answer. They eat the grass and don't browse shrubbery as much as goats do.
Their herd is all pure bred Nubian goats which they milk. They said a young male goat if you were willing to bottle feed it would sell for around $50. The girl goats go for $200, particularly since these are a milking breed.
If you are looking for a lawn mower, sheep or geese might be an answer. They eat the grass and don't browse shrubbery as much as goats do.
Kurt Wilson