06-08-2007, 04:50 AM
Here's a diet success story. I am 6'1" tall and got up to an uncomfortable 240lbs. I quit eating flour and milk (substituted soy, rice milk, and whole grain sprouted bread, available in frozen section of health food store). Substituted local raw honey for sugar and HFCS. No red meat, lots of salad. Took a regimen of herbal cleanser to flush intestines(available at health food store). I still eat as much as I want whenever I want, and lost 40lbs in 6 months. Now I can maintain weight even if I cheat occaisionally (although I feel bloated and sick when I do). Shopping at the Health food store is a little more expensive, but I feel it is well worth it. I body board a couple of times a week for exercize and feel 200% better than I did six months ago. Thanks....