06-17-2007, 04:43 PM
The national news today is a-buzz with the rapid decline in R/E prices, even realtors can't denie the down-cline now. High interest rates and sub-primes have sunk the market now.
The questionable people, companies and organizations in the real estate industry attribute to the problem too.
According to the DCCA public records several of the 11 people on the Ethics Board/Panel of the Kona Board of Realtors have registered DCCA violations. Actually, one of them has three and the Chairman himself has two, including a $10,000 fine AND a license suspension. To top it off, the Kona Board of Realtors itself is noted on the DCCA web site as "This business is not in good standing!" Even though it's all public records, I don't want to post names, if you want them e-mail me privately.
You just never know who do you do business with and what company/organization they belong to, right?
Typically Tropical Properties