03-14-2008, 06:54 PM
If you were to raise some chickens which breed of chicken would you want and why?
There are a few mixed breed hens in the back yard as well as a few pure bred hens and my friend and I are thinking of ordering in a few pure bred day-old chicks to improve the flock. It is pretty hard to order chickens, there are so many different breeds to choose from! I'm thinking perhaps of getting some plain old Rhode Island Red chickens since they are supposed to be good layers of brown eggs. Does anyone have any better ideas of which breed of chicken is best for a backyard flock?
If you were going to get chickens which kinds would you want?
There are a few mixed breed hens in the back yard as well as a few pure bred hens and my friend and I are thinking of ordering in a few pure bred day-old chicks to improve the flock. It is pretty hard to order chickens, there are so many different breeds to choose from! I'm thinking perhaps of getting some plain old Rhode Island Red chickens since they are supposed to be good layers of brown eggs. Does anyone have any better ideas of which breed of chicken is best for a backyard flock?
If you were going to get chickens which kinds would you want?
Kurt Wilson