07-15-2007, 04:33 PM
Great responses - thanks
A little more background. My smaller system is set up pretty much as stated -Tank - pump - pressure tank - sediment filter - carbon filter - house (no UV). Having decided that we'd add UV at the new house, been looking at various setups. Someone was somewhat convincing in the argument of having the filters/UV pre pressure tank based on the theory of storing the water in its cleanest state. Seemed reasonable when I heard it.
I'm back to the more conventional sequence - pump - pressure tank - filtration - house. I'll keep the carbon filter in sequence and not point of use.
and thanks Beachboy, I went to Hawaii Catchment to buy my 20 inch filters - nice ladies.
Ninole Resident
A little more background. My smaller system is set up pretty much as stated -Tank - pump - pressure tank - sediment filter - carbon filter - house (no UV). Having decided that we'd add UV at the new house, been looking at various setups. Someone was somewhat convincing in the argument of having the filters/UV pre pressure tank based on the theory of storing the water in its cleanest state. Seemed reasonable when I heard it.
I'm back to the more conventional sequence - pump - pressure tank - filtration - house. I'll keep the carbon filter in sequence and not point of use.
and thanks Beachboy, I went to Hawaii Catchment to buy my 20 inch filters - nice ladies.
Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident