09-01-2007, 03:05 PM
Nope, John, we can't grumble at the RE investors on this one! Heheheh!
The coqui spreading car which someone saw, they had a lot of branches in their car and they were spreading them out along a highway guardrail and touching some of the branches to the nearby foliage. The person who saw them got the license of that one, I think, I didn't see it, but just heard about it from the person who saw it. Had he realized what the guy in the car was doing, he would have done something much more drastic than merely writing down the license plate number, I'd think.
As to why someone would deliberately spread coquis, who knows! I don't know why crazy people do such things. Perhaps they are deaf, perhaps they have never heard more than one or two coquis at a time. If they would just stay one or two, I wouldn't have a problem with coqui at all, it's their combined uproar that makes me kill them when I find them.
There is some hope on the horizon. There are some new sprayers which spray a fog of baking soda. The baking soda kills the females, the eggs, the males, etc. and keeps killing them until the next rain unlike the hydrated lime which quits after a couple hours. The baking soda fog also gets under leaves and in crevices. Someone is bringing in some of these sprayers so hopefully soon we will have a better tool for coqui eradication. Oh, also these sprayers are backpack type and they spray/fog as far as the big County sprayer. Yay! No need to get a truck to haul the sprayer around.
The coqui spreading car which someone saw, they had a lot of branches in their car and they were spreading them out along a highway guardrail and touching some of the branches to the nearby foliage. The person who saw them got the license of that one, I think, I didn't see it, but just heard about it from the person who saw it. Had he realized what the guy in the car was doing, he would have done something much more drastic than merely writing down the license plate number, I'd think.
As to why someone would deliberately spread coquis, who knows! I don't know why crazy people do such things. Perhaps they are deaf, perhaps they have never heard more than one or two coquis at a time. If they would just stay one or two, I wouldn't have a problem with coqui at all, it's their combined uproar that makes me kill them when I find them.
There is some hope on the horizon. There are some new sprayers which spray a fog of baking soda. The baking soda kills the females, the eggs, the males, etc. and keeps killing them until the next rain unlike the hydrated lime which quits after a couple hours. The baking soda fog also gets under leaves and in crevices. Someone is bringing in some of these sprayers so hopefully soon we will have a better tool for coqui eradication. Oh, also these sprayers are backpack type and they spray/fog as far as the big County sprayer. Yay! No need to get a truck to haul the sprayer around.
Kurt Wilson