09-06-2007, 06:32 AM
I would respectfully differ with Glen on recommending the Blue Book, i.e. the Revealed series, which is responsible, many feel, for wreaking severe damage on some of the most fragile ecosystems in this state, advising people to visit unsafe places, and taking a disrespectful attitude towards private property rights and without much respect for Hawaiian culture either.
The authors have gotten rich on this irresponsible behavior, and I don't believe in supporting them any farther by buying their publicattions. The pictures are good, and you can see them for free at Borders.
Glen, Queen's bath has seen many drownings, and the County of Kaua'i and many locals consider it unsafe. it can seem safe, but waves can take people out coming out of nowhere. Kind of like the Olivine Pools on Maui. Both places where the drownings increased after the Blue Books wrote these spots up!
I wouldn't normally get all high horse about the topic, but I know that Mitzi is very environmentaly conscientious. Many people love the blue books and are not aware of the damage they've caused here.
The authors have gotten rich on this irresponsible behavior, and I don't believe in supporting them any farther by buying their publicattions. The pictures are good, and you can see them for free at Borders.
Glen, Queen's bath has seen many drownings, and the County of Kaua'i and many locals consider it unsafe. it can seem safe, but waves can take people out coming out of nowhere. Kind of like the Olivine Pools on Maui. Both places where the drownings increased after the Blue Books wrote these spots up!
I wouldn't normally get all high horse about the topic, but I know that Mitzi is very environmentaly conscientious. Many people love the blue books and are not aware of the damage they've caused here.