11-21-2007, 05:59 AM
Average cost of a dog? $331.
Number of households in america with at least one dog? 44.8 million.
Number of pet dogs in the US 74.8 million
What americians spend on pets in 2006 $38.5 Billion
What they'll pony up for vet care $9.8 billion
How much the pet industry could ring up by 2010 at the current rate of growth $50 billion.
Cost of MRI pet scan $2000 to $2700.
Cost of Radiation $6,000
Percent of owners who would buy a memorial for their yard or garden 23%
Minum cost for a taxidermist to freezedry your dog $1000.. cloning?
Number of states where judges adminstered financial trusts set up in a pet's name 25 (in Hawaii they can be benificiaries)
percentage of pet owners who said there pets sleep with them in bed 56%...yuk!
Minimum lifetime cost of a medium size dog, including food, shelter, supplies and basic vet care. $4500-5000
Number of sates in which cruelty to animals is a felony 42 ( I think Hawaii it's not)
So I guess with what I spend on my kids I could have bought a new car?
Number of households in america with at least one dog? 44.8 million.
Number of pet dogs in the US 74.8 million
What americians spend on pets in 2006 $38.5 Billion
What they'll pony up for vet care $9.8 billion
How much the pet industry could ring up by 2010 at the current rate of growth $50 billion.
Cost of MRI pet scan $2000 to $2700.
Cost of Radiation $6,000
Percent of owners who would buy a memorial for their yard or garden 23%
Minum cost for a taxidermist to freezedry your dog $1000.. cloning?
Number of states where judges adminstered financial trusts set up in a pet's name 25 (in Hawaii they can be benificiaries)
percentage of pet owners who said there pets sleep with them in bed 56%...yuk!
Minimum lifetime cost of a medium size dog, including food, shelter, supplies and basic vet care. $4500-5000
Number of sates in which cruelty to animals is a felony 42 ( I think Hawaii it's not)
So I guess with what I spend on my kids I could have bought a new car?