09-24-2007, 03:01 AM
"Could we do it again? I dunno thats speaks, somewhat, to the discussion we are having about our dependencies on foriegn stuff. Am i happy that we're currently acting like the late USSR did in the 70s and early 80s? Nope not at all. But, I still give this country credit for what it did 65 years ago and the men it gave. We should not forget.. No one should.. the day the big dog got its lazy ass up off the porch and went out in the dark and fought the wolves. Peace, dave"
Senator Inouye, Hawaii, was on last nights installment of Ken Burns, WWII, PBS documentary, link above. As a 17 year old high school student and Red Cross volunteer, he certainly had vivid recall of the events of Pearl Harbor.
I believe there are 7 segments. A view of history and why our current state of affairs, in my opinion, doesn't even compare, my uninformed opinion no doubt.
Off topic, but in our future is a global economy an a little history to guide us along cannot hurt.
LOL refrigerator boxes and puppet shows were a fun part of the neighborhood I grew up in and I passed it on to my children also.
Perhaps the Big Box ban is to stifle competition, keep it local, but if so is short sighted. Change is hard for everyone, frightening to some, no matter what the subject, home, family community, job, church, you name it.
mella l
Senator Inouye, Hawaii, was on last nights installment of Ken Burns, WWII, PBS documentary, link above. As a 17 year old high school student and Red Cross volunteer, he certainly had vivid recall of the events of Pearl Harbor.
I believe there are 7 segments. A view of history and why our current state of affairs, in my opinion, doesn't even compare, my uninformed opinion no doubt.
Off topic, but in our future is a global economy an a little history to guide us along cannot hurt.
LOL refrigerator boxes and puppet shows were a fun part of the neighborhood I grew up in and I passed it on to my children also.
Perhaps the Big Box ban is to stifle competition, keep it local, but if so is short sighted. Change is hard for everyone, frightening to some, no matter what the subject, home, family community, job, church, you name it.
mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Art and Science