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Land use, sustainability, and maybe the SuperFerry
I am a proponent of affordable housing, however there are rules on the books to address this with each and every development. Somehow developers are let out of their commitments to build a certain percentage of low cost housing in each project. How does that work?

On the Superferry, here is an interesting article, I haven't been keeping up and found this article enlightening. Especially the part at the end about the overall affect to the Hawaiian economy if this project goes down. It signals to business that the climate in Hawaii is toxic for progress, investment, and a business future I believe.

Kauai Mob rule rebuffs superferry, 9/24 Governor Lingle google if the link doesn't work or cut and paste.

So the Big Box Ban on the BI seems small potatoes, or a trend for the future. People really need to set aside differences, have purposeful and thoughtful discussion and speak to these issues and look for viable solutions before we taint the future I think.
Reason needs to be the motivator not mob rule.

mella l

Edited by - mella l on 09/25/2007 10:43:06

Edited by - mella l on 09/25/2007 10:47:48
mella l
Art and Science

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RE: Land use, sustainability, and maybe the SuperFerry - by mella l - 09-25-2007, 06:42 AM

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