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Land use, sustainability, and maybe the SuperFerry
One concern I have about the SF, is that is appears to be a military project, with a "civilian use", veneer.

Imho, DU is something everyone should be concerned about and with the military having a history of being less than truthful, I'd be very concerned that they'd ship contaminated items on these vessels.

I've heard that the actual fuel tank capacity of these ships will allow them to ferry military hardware from outside the Islands.

Regardless, given the military connections to the SF that have been made public...

Eternal vigilance is a lot of work!


Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

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RE: Land use, sustainability, and maybe the SuperFerry - by LeeE - 09-25-2007, 08:49 AM

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