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Tips on how to deal with mold & mildew
These are items in our walkin closet,and no ventilation of course.

I'd say #1 issue with closets is lack of ventilation. I leave my closets open. I looked at a nice new house on 1st Ave in HPP -- where the owner had no doors on the closets, instead used curtains.

I have a couple closet rods but don't use them. Even though they don't get too hot, I'm leary of fire (having had more than my share), and of creating a situation where someone could push clothing up against the rod and get things overheated. That may be pure paranoia.

Damp-rid works well in closets and cupboards that must be closed. It's easy to find -- try Ace hardware. You do have to check it and pour out the water, but it really sucks the moisture.

Lastly, make sure the inside of your closet is painted with mildew-inhibiting paint -- but as your house is new, I imagine that's done.

I have a dehumidifier but only use it when things get extreme. It puts out a lot of heat. I got mine at Sears a few years ago, for $200 and change, and it WILL dry out a room ...

my issue with dehumidifiers is they are pointless to run if your windows are open, and I never close my windows. This is why I prefer to deal with closets by ventilating and by circulating air.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Tips on how to deal with mold & mildew - by PunaLover - 11-09-2007, 07:11 PM
RE: Tips on how to deal with mold & mildew - by PunaLover - 11-10-2007, 10:04 AM
RE: Tips on how to deal with mold & mildew - by missydog1 - 11-10-2007, 11:08 AM
RE: Tips on how to deal with mold & mildew - by PunaLover - 11-16-2007, 08:26 PM

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