11-18-2007, 06:55 AM
I agree with you. I was probally Hawaiian before I knew it exhisted. I believe Hawaii and what it is to be Hawaiian is synonamous with Human.
My first setting foot on these islands was with reverence and respect. Because before here I had been all through the northwest, in nature, all the time and even though I was born in a city my heart is in nature. Blame it on the Hippies in the 60's and trippin in the Santa Cruz mts. or Muir Woods, but those who see the world through one's set of glasses can't explain it to someone who's never tried them on.
No question if you're born here you are Hawaiian by state, if you are by blood that's another variable. If you're mixed more variables. If you left and never came back you'd still be Hawaiian.
But to be Hawaiian in Hawaii, means to live with ALOHA. And I see NO aloha in the exploitation of these islands. And it's been eating away at me ever since the 1st trek into Napili Valley only to find Kodak film wrappers.
I'll say I hate "it" that Hawaii is treated like Disneyland. Yes it's a tourist's destination but does that mean pimp out every coconut pickin thing about Hawaii you can? That's not Hawaiian. Hawaiians, GIVE it to you, not sell.
Hawaiian is Aloha, welcome to my house, sit, eat, talk story, drink, talk story, smoke, talk story, make music, talk story, eat, talk story.
Not KAPU, PRIVATE, No Parking, $75. for a taxi ride. Your Kodak Moment. Superferry, Superwallyworld, 1 banana $1. (no joke ABC store in waikiki). Speaking of which is not Hawaiian, Honolulu is LA in the Pacific.
If people come to Hawaii and respect her and if intending to move here assimilate to the Hawaiian, not the Commercial/explotaion of, lifestyle. I feel people who come here and build McMansions and demand pools, wider roads, superstores, superferries do not have Hawaii's best interest at heart. Those are selfish wants.
Hawaiians I know are the furthest thing from selfish. Mainlanders are selfish. ooops did I offend? OMO
how was that?
My first setting foot on these islands was with reverence and respect. Because before here I had been all through the northwest, in nature, all the time and even though I was born in a city my heart is in nature. Blame it on the Hippies in the 60's and trippin in the Santa Cruz mts. or Muir Woods, but those who see the world through one's set of glasses can't explain it to someone who's never tried them on.
No question if you're born here you are Hawaiian by state, if you are by blood that's another variable. If you're mixed more variables. If you left and never came back you'd still be Hawaiian.
But to be Hawaiian in Hawaii, means to live with ALOHA. And I see NO aloha in the exploitation of these islands. And it's been eating away at me ever since the 1st trek into Napili Valley only to find Kodak film wrappers.
I'll say I hate "it" that Hawaii is treated like Disneyland. Yes it's a tourist's destination but does that mean pimp out every coconut pickin thing about Hawaii you can? That's not Hawaiian. Hawaiians, GIVE it to you, not sell.
Hawaiian is Aloha, welcome to my house, sit, eat, talk story, drink, talk story, smoke, talk story, make music, talk story, eat, talk story.
Not KAPU, PRIVATE, No Parking, $75. for a taxi ride. Your Kodak Moment. Superferry, Superwallyworld, 1 banana $1. (no joke ABC store in waikiki). Speaking of which is not Hawaiian, Honolulu is LA in the Pacific.
If people come to Hawaii and respect her and if intending to move here assimilate to the Hawaiian, not the Commercial/explotaion of, lifestyle. I feel people who come here and build McMansions and demand pools, wider roads, superstores, superferries do not have Hawaii's best interest at heart. Those are selfish wants.
Hawaiians I know are the furthest thing from selfish. Mainlanders are selfish. ooops did I offend? OMO
how was that?