11-21-2007, 04:44 AM
The world is changing, not just puna, the way we've been raised, (baby boomers) we had it all, spoilded in fact if you think of 23 cents for gas, and concert tickets were like 3 bucks at the filmore? lol
Anyway people arenlt ginna stop making babies and those babies are going to need houses as our
"family values " new developement has seperated families into multipule houses.
No more Waltons? Well that's changing, lots more kids these days stay at home into their 20's.
We have to change they way we think and the way we were raised. We need to adpt to the world we let go. We are creating to toxic soup we'll all be in soon if our thinking doesn't change.
Trim an Ohia, Trim your house, trim your car, your boat or your helichopter. Lay off the trees altogether. What? radical!
Anyway people arenlt ginna stop making babies and those babies are going to need houses as our
"family values " new developement has seperated families into multipule houses.
No more Waltons? Well that's changing, lots more kids these days stay at home into their 20's.
We have to change they way we think and the way we were raised. We need to adpt to the world we let go. We are creating to toxic soup we'll all be in soon if our thinking doesn't change.
Trim an Ohia, Trim your house, trim your car, your boat or your helichopter. Lay off the trees altogether. What? radical!