11-21-2007, 06:27 PM
want to borrow a dane for a day?
When I took my Rottn'Dane to europe and we lived in so.of France, he drove with me around 8-9-10 countries and always when we stop, whatever country, he was multilingual immediately, Rouff.
As the ones I have now they are people magnets, just because of they're size. I believe the longer you live with animals the more acute your 6th sense gets. The bigger the animal the bigger the connection.
I've looked eye to eye with one buffalo, tennis ball! the size of his eye ball. He was laying down and I walked up on him he didn't move, grunt, twich, nuthin. Then his eyelid opened up and the big black eye was lookin at me, like WTF? Me too. But I said, "don't get up" I'll go back", took the picture and retreated. Man I want a buffalo for a dog. When I raise steers it's close. Time for one more heffer.
Truth is when ya got a pack of K9 flesh, that could eat a six pack of lamb a day, there's no money for thanksgiving or christmas.
My kids have a pretty good vocabulary too.
And they sing in quartette, I'll try to record it next time. lol
want to borrow a dane for a day?
When I took my Rottn'Dane to europe and we lived in so.of France, he drove with me around 8-9-10 countries and always when we stop, whatever country, he was multilingual immediately, Rouff.
As the ones I have now they are people magnets, just because of they're size. I believe the longer you live with animals the more acute your 6th sense gets. The bigger the animal the bigger the connection.
I've looked eye to eye with one buffalo, tennis ball! the size of his eye ball. He was laying down and I walked up on him he didn't move, grunt, twich, nuthin. Then his eyelid opened up and the big black eye was lookin at me, like WTF? Me too. But I said, "don't get up" I'll go back", took the picture and retreated. Man I want a buffalo for a dog. When I raise steers it's close. Time for one more heffer.
Truth is when ya got a pack of K9 flesh, that could eat a six pack of lamb a day, there's no money for thanksgiving or christmas.
My kids have a pretty good vocabulary too.
And they sing in quartette, I'll try to record it next time. lol