01-13-2008, 03:34 AM
Let's not forget the sharks, Maverick's/Halfmoon Bay is full of them.
When I was a kid and surfed the freezing Ca. coast I remember big boards with no dangling feet in the water.
We knelt on the board with a qt> beer bottle between our legs for the quick jolt and to use as a club the smack any close swimming sharks on the nose. No comparison there to here. Maybe on TV the size similarity is about it.IMHO
When I was a kid and surfed the freezing Ca. coast I remember big boards with no dangling feet in the water.
We knelt on the board with a qt> beer bottle between our legs for the quick jolt and to use as a club the smack any close swimming sharks on the nose. No comparison there to here. Maybe on TV the size similarity is about it.IMHO