02-27-2008, 06:08 AM
Originally posted by macuu222
At least they can go to the hospital to get treatment like the rest of us that have insurance but can't find a doctor.
Is it that you can't find a doctor... or is it that Hilo is just to far to commute?[]
I know there are doctors in Hilo that are accepting patients.
I've ammended this accordingly
A survey done by the Commonwealth Fund's Commission on a High Performance Health System ranked Hawaii tops in the nation for access to health care. The findings, reported Wednesday in the Star-Bulletin, cited Hawaii's high rate of insured residents, largely because of the state's prepaid health care act and low unemployment.....But the national study didn't consider availability of doctors, Rasmussen, a Kailua orthopedic surgeon, and other doctors point out.
"In Hilo, you can't get a primary care doctor. Everyone there is booked and not taking new patients,"
On this day in History:
A do-it-yourselfer painting an attic in a Manoa house on O'ahu, Hawai'i finds a stash of Hawai'i bills worth $100,000, 1980. After 45 days, when nobody claims the money, he is able to keep it. The bills were stamped Hawai'i during WW II due to government monetary restrictions.