02-27-2008, 10:41 AM
I read the post that followed glen's post. I didn't see anything attacking in nature.
Were you talking about the comment:
Don't they research an area before buying property?
If that is the comment that has hurt you so much... then the truth hurts a bit too much.
It takes some thick skin to live here in PUNA and if you are upset over those words... then you might want to reconsider.
I wish you the best in your continued quest for moving to the Big Island.
On this day in History:
A do-it-yourselfer painting an attic in a Manoa house on O'ahu, Hawai'i finds a stash of Hawai'i bills worth $100,000, 1980. After 45 days, when nobody claims the money, he is able to keep it. The bills were stamped Hawai'i during WW II due to government monetary restrictions.
I read the post that followed glen's post. I didn't see anything attacking in nature.
Were you talking about the comment:
Don't they research an area before buying property?
If that is the comment that has hurt you so much... then the truth hurts a bit too much.
It takes some thick skin to live here in PUNA and if you are upset over those words... then you might want to reconsider.
I wish you the best in your continued quest for moving to the Big Island.
On this day in History:
A do-it-yourselfer painting an attic in a Manoa house on O'ahu, Hawai'i finds a stash of Hawai'i bills worth $100,000, 1980. After 45 days, when nobody claims the money, he is able to keep it. The bills were stamped Hawai'i during WW II due to government monetary restrictions.