03-04-2008, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by jdirgo
On the Big Island (I cannot speak for anywhere else), it is not possible for a buyer to finance a yurt through banks or other registered mortgage companies....
Are you sure [

Why does the lender need to know "what type of house is being built" ?
Couldn't someone apply for a "personal" loan and apply that to building the Yurt [

From the NY TIMES:
The trick, he said, is in the nomenclature. They said, We dont know what the heck a yurt is, but to us this looks like a beautiful, contemporary, architecturally designed house.
From then on, Mr. Reiter said, he advised clients never to refer to their houses as yurts. If you just tell a banks appraisers an architect designed it, he said, theyre fine.
Today in History:
Kahana Itozaki catches the Hawai'i state record Commerson's Frogfish, 12 lbs, off Ka'u on the Big Island, 1999.