03-09-2008, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by Rob Tucker
On the subject I saw a PBS documentary years ago. It was called The Mystery of Easter Island, Solved I believe - maybe something else. I have been unable to find it again and would like a copy.
Email me your mailing address. I have a copy on my desk as I
I can also get you a copy of - TE PITO O TE HENUA: RAPA NUI if you want:
What does a small isolated island in the Pacific have to teach the rest of the world? Te Pito O Te Henua: Rapa Nui tells the story of Rapa Nui. It explores the close ties between the Rapa Nui people and the people of Hawaii...
Today in History
About 9,000 ILWU sugar workers begin a strike for 39 days, 1974