03-10-2008, 03:18 PM
To clarify, we call it consultation for lack of a better word. Typically it is walking a person through a yurt set-up. This is an option that a lot of people choose when they want to save money. This way they get their own crew together and we'll just manage them through the tricky parts, so instead of $2,000 for our crew to do full set-up, they pay $400. It isn't just sitting back directing though, we get in there and work! By the way, I mentioned earlier that you could put up a yurt for about 20k, let me be clear, that would be a 30' yurt with all the recommended upgrades for our climate (insulation, extra door, awnings, etc, etc) with a very basic constructed platform, no permits, no utilities, no set-up services. Thanks for clarifying Damon~
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973