05-20-2008, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by Hotzcatz
Ooops! You're right, it's Tents & Tipis! How about buses, though? Some friends of mine lived in a real festive purple double decker bus while building a house. They moved into the house and then sold the bus so someone else could do the same thing.
Do you think a tent or tipi would be good set up on a moveable framework like a bus so it could have all the infrastructure (plumbing, power, septic) from the bus and the tent or tipi providing the framework to live in? Might be easier just to use a bus, though, but might be nicer to have the walls made of something other than metal.
I was going to do the bus thing at one point, kind of claustrophobic space though and often the ones you can get at a bargain don't drive and are rather leaky. I like the feel of being more airy. The buses I've been in were really loud when it rained, too. But they're a viable way to get on your land too, for sure!
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973