05-22-2008, 06:16 PM
I don't have to pay for an office anymore, word of mouth advertising so no advertising budget anymore and no more commercial phone rates. The yellow pages are expensive for folks who have to have it. My overhead is low, my plotter is old and slow and I like drawing pictures of houses so it isn't anything I'm doing to get rich.
Hawaii Drafting Service is a flexible business. When times get slow I do things other than drafting. The big downturn in the eighties I took up upholstery. Last time (late '90's) I took up commercial driving, this time I'm taking up clock repair and gardening. If you've got a cuckoo clock or other old mechanical clock you need fixed we can fix it. Oh yeah, and I'm hatching out chickens. At the moment that's the most profitable thing. Good thing my overhead is really low!
Hawaii Drafting Service is a flexible business. When times get slow I do things other than drafting. The big downturn in the eighties I took up upholstery. Last time (late '90's) I took up commercial driving, this time I'm taking up clock repair and gardening. If you've got a cuckoo clock or other old mechanical clock you need fixed we can fix it. Oh yeah, and I'm hatching out chickens. At the moment that's the most profitable thing. Good thing my overhead is really low!
Kurt Wilson