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Community gardens
The situation here is where we all have fairly large yards to plant in if we wanted, but most of them aren't level. There is a level unused parcel near the center of the area and we are thinking it would make a nice garden area. Give everyone a chance at gardening on a level area as well as help in the garden. Many of our residents are elderly and even if they didn't tend the garden themselves they could still use the produce from it. Gardens tend to produce more than one family can eat so if we made a community garden we'd have a flat spot to garden, we could share the use of tools and we would have folks to give the extra to. It's just that the unused parcel is owned by the County and I don't know if we would have to go through any particular process to get permission to garden there.

It would also be nice to have the water turned on and get the County weed whacker guys to go through and do the initial whacking down of guinea grass. Having a source of fresh vegetables for our community will help the folks out a lot with their grocery bills.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson

Messages In This Thread
Community gardens - by Hotzcatz - 05-28-2008, 04:39 PM
RE: Community gardens - by EightFingers - 05-31-2008, 12:25 PM
RE: Community gardens - by Hotzcatz - 05-31-2008, 03:39 PM
RE: Community gardens - by Carey - 05-31-2008, 04:53 PM
RE: Community gardens - by Guest - 05-31-2008, 05:23 PM
RE: Community gardens - by Hotzcatz - 06-02-2008, 04:40 AM
RE: Community gardens - by jdirgo - 06-03-2008, 11:19 AM
RE: Community gardens - by gtill - 06-07-2008, 12:54 PM

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