06-26-2008, 06:05 AM
There are several local floribunda roses which do really well. One is a red rose with a lovely scent and it is almost thornless. I'm thinking the name is "Healani" or some such, but I can't remember right now. I have some of it if you want to come take cuttings.
The Japanese beetles adore roses, too. I'll dust the rose bushes occasionally when the beetles have eaten up most of the leaves. There is a Chrysler Imperial by the driveway (where else would you plant a rose with a name like that?) which is constantly being eaten by beetles but seems to manage to keep going and makes roses. The Don Juan climbing rose by the back bathhouse is thriving. It is in a wetter and more sheltered spot with hardly any sun at all but it still keeps growing and making roses. The Healani is on the windward side of the house in full sun for half the day. It is still getting aclimitized to that spot but seems almost happy there. There is a scattering of other roses around the place as well, but the ones in spots sheltered from the wind with extra moisture seem happier.
The Japanese beetles adore roses, too. I'll dust the rose bushes occasionally when the beetles have eaten up most of the leaves. There is a Chrysler Imperial by the driveway (where else would you plant a rose with a name like that?) which is constantly being eaten by beetles but seems to manage to keep going and makes roses. The Don Juan climbing rose by the back bathhouse is thriving. It is in a wetter and more sheltered spot with hardly any sun at all but it still keeps growing and making roses. The Healani is on the windward side of the house in full sun for half the day. It is still getting aclimitized to that spot but seems almost happy there. There is a scattering of other roses around the place as well, but the ones in spots sheltered from the wind with extra moisture seem happier.
Kurt Wilson