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Building grape arbor w/artifical wood - Rumber
Rumber is good for a lot of things but it is not a structural framing member. Best to think of it as a deck material. It is used mostly in livestock applications. Stalls for example. It also makes good ramps and walkways.

I no longer stock the material on island. We need to order it in. Freight cost is a big problem. When we order a small quantity, if timing is not critical, I try to put it on one of our containers leaving the coast and piggyback it in.

Rumber is a great product and is nearly indestructible. I have been attempting over time to bring it into manufacture here in Hawaii. It is amazing how much resistance and inertia there is to overcome on such a logical product. Shipping in from Texas makes it pricey. If we could produce it locally it would be inexpensive. It is an ideal material for marine environments. Now where do we have a marine environment around here?????

By my calculation there is sufficient waste stream material here in Hawaii to produce about $12M in Rumber product locally.

I did use Rumber sheeting in my cabinetwork. Placed it in cabinet backs, sink base floors and used it for drawer bottoms. Once again, it is rather indestructible and immune from water problems.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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RE: Building grape arbor w/artifical wood - Rumber - by Rob Tucker - 06-28-2008, 03:27 AM

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