07-05-2008, 07:12 PM
KathyH -
All of Puna is a crime ridden area.
Can you please tell me which districts you think are more safe then others?
The property crimes are only increasing as more and more people are facing financial crisis here.
I think Ainaloa is relatively safe compared to many other neighborhoods.
My Brother-In-Law livesoff on Woodrose Ave. off Ainaloa Blvd. for the last 16 years and has never had a problem.
It is the way, the way it is
All of Puna is a crime ridden area.
Can you please tell me which districts you think are more safe then others?
The property crimes are only increasing as more and more people are facing financial crisis here.
I think Ainaloa is relatively safe compared to many other neighborhoods.
My Brother-In-Law lives
It is the way, the way it is