07-14-2008, 02:08 PM
I don't see Freddy Mac as able to raise five billion by tomorrow. Will the Federal government officially take them over, do you think?
It took about three years for the markets to fully "deflate" during the Great Depression, so it will take about that long at least for this market to deflate, too, wouldn't you think? Perhaps faster since we now do everything digitally? It will go below 10,000 (although not on tomorrow). Perhaps as low as 8,000 eventually - like by 2010?
Chickens may be the currency of the future. They will probably hold their value as well as increase in value as opposed to money in the bank. And you can eat chickens. Who needs banks and markets when we've got chicken futures?
We should have another batch hatching out next Saturday. I've got about twenty I'm hoping will hatch and my neighbor has forty she's hoping will hatch. The same mixed breed "barnyard" chickens since our roosters are still too young to be "useful" so they would match the ones you already have if you need more.
It took about three years for the markets to fully "deflate" during the Great Depression, so it will take about that long at least for this market to deflate, too, wouldn't you think? Perhaps faster since we now do everything digitally? It will go below 10,000 (although not on tomorrow). Perhaps as low as 8,000 eventually - like by 2010?
Originally posted by JWFITZ
Thoughtful posts always, Katz, I appreciate it. And the chickens are rocking, by the way!
Chickens may be the currency of the future. They will probably hold their value as well as increase in value as opposed to money in the bank. And you can eat chickens. Who needs banks and markets when we've got chicken futures?
We should have another batch hatching out next Saturday. I've got about twenty I'm hoping will hatch and my neighbor has forty she's hoping will hatch. The same mixed breed "barnyard" chickens since our roosters are still too young to be "useful" so they would match the ones you already have if you need more.
Kurt Wilson