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Establishing landscaping | ? for Daniel (& Others)
Aki's advice seems great to me.
My last post about maybe not doing it was based on your first post where the only tending you had in mind for sure was a neighborhood kid to water. But then you raised the idea of paying someone to tend it too ... and I agree that is what you'd have to do.

You will need to apply fertilizer, trim to direct the form of your trees, and do weed control.
When you clear or rip any land and make it fertile, you immediately invite stray seeds to take root. There are some trees here that grow very fast. Regular attention is necessary to keep what you want to have growing and what you don't want to be checked.

So if you want to pay for all that, forge on!
You want to find a gardener who will weed whip with some patience and attention. I can't even count the number of valuable young plants I've lost to weed whackers, only to have the guy say, oh well, it wasn't meant to make it if it's that much trouble to whack around it. Which is totally not my attitude ... but it's a fine line whacking weeds close enough to the trunk that you don't have to do hours of hand pulling.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Establishing landscaping | ? for Daniel (& Others) - by missydog1 - 07-12-2008, 09:26 AM
RE: Establishing landscaping | ? for Daniel (& Others) - by missydog1 - 07-21-2008, 07:54 AM

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